Autotrol Motors used in “The Hurt Locker” Robot

Autotrol Corporation is proud to report that our motors are used in the bomb disposal robot featured in the critically acclaimed 2009 film “The Hurt Locker”. The movie, which won the 2009 Best Picture Academy Award, is the story of three members of the US Army’s elite Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) squad. The squad members risk their lives daily as they search for and disarm roadside bombs in the streets of Baghdad in order to try and make the city a safer place for Iraqis and Americans alike. In one of the first scenes in the movie, the squad is using a small, track mounted robot to investigate a bomb. This robot is manufactured by one of our customers and it uses two Autotrol 200 Series motors to position it’s camera. These EOD robots are used when possible so as to avoid risking the lives of American soldiers and the Autotrol motors help to make it happen.